A Journey Through Ramana Maharshi Ashram

A Journey Through Ramana Maharshi Ashram

Located at the base of Mount Arunachala in Tamil Nadu, the Ramana Maharshi Ashram is dedicated to the teachings of Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi, a highly respected spiritual teacher from the 20th century. The quiet and simple setting of the ashram attracts people from all over the world who are looking for peace and deeper understanding.

Walking through the ashram, you’ll notice the quietness around you, broken only by natural sounds and the low whisper of meditation.

The ashram’s simple yet supportive surroundings, along with its significant past, encourage visitors to learn more about its teachings and the practice of self-inquiry that Ramana Maharshi emphasized. This approach to spirituality asks people to reflect on who they truly are, leading to personal transformation.

For example, visitors often talk about how the peaceful environment of the ashram helped them focus inward and find clarity in their thoughts.

In sum, the Ramana Maharshi Ashram is not just a place; it’s an opportunity to engage with a philosophy that can change the way you see yourself and the world.

The Legacy of Ramana Maharshi

Ramana Maharshi’s impact on spirituality is still felt today, both at his ashram in Tiruvannamalai and around the world.

His ashram remains a peaceful place where people can learn about his approach to finding inner peace through quiet reflection and asking oneself, ‘Who am I?’

His teachings go beyond the ashram’s walls, reaching those who are looking for guidance on how to understand themselves better in a complex world.

Maharshi taught that direct personal experience is more important than academic study when it comes to spirituality.

His approach helps people today to look inside themselves and find clarity.

He taught a simple method for exploring who we really are, and that method continues to help people find a deeper sense of self-awareness.

This idea is just as useful now as it was back then.

Exploring the Ashram Grounds

The Ramana Maharshi Ashram is located at the base of the holy Mount Arunachala. It’s a large, peaceful place that welcomes visitors to enjoy its calm atmosphere. This calmness helped Ramana Maharshi, a famous spiritual teacher, find inspiration. When you walk around the ashram, it feels like you’re getting closer to a deep sense of calm. You can hear the history of the place in the quiet sounds around you.

The way the ashram is set up is simple and beautiful, which helps you feel more peaceful and think deeply. There are paths with local plants that take you to quiet spots perfect for thinking to yourself, as well as larger areas where people can meditate together. It feels like the teachings of Ramana Maharshi about finding quiet within yourself and asking deep questions are a part of the place itself, helping you to connect more with who you are.

To make these experiences even better, there might be specific areas in the ashram dedicated to practicing Ramana Maharshi’s teachings. For example, a ‘Silence Garden’ could be a place where visitors can sit and explore their inner thoughts without distractions.

The Main Shrine and Meditation Hall

When visitors enter the Main Shrine and Meditation Hall, they find a quiet and peaceful atmosphere that reflects the teachings of Ramana Maharshi about the importance of silence and looking within oneself. The hall is simple and not decorated extravagantly, which shows Maharshi’s belief that people should focus on their inner selves rather than on material things.

People who come here sit quietly, thinking deeply, and following Maharshi’s guidance to seek the truth inside themselves. The hall feels like it is filled with Maharshi’s spiritual presence, encouraging visitors to forget the busy world outside and start a personal journey to understand their true nature.

Daily Rituals and Activities

Beyond the contemplative silence of the Main Shrine and Meditation Hall, the ashram buzzes with a rhythm of daily rituals and activities that embody the spiritual ethos of Ramana Maharshi.

Here, the day unwraps with the tender cadence of Vedic chanting, resonating through the dawn, as devotees gather for puja, a ritual of reverence that weaves the community together in a tapestry of shared spiritual endeavour.

The Samadhi Hall rings with the silent chorus of meditators absorbing the teachings of Bhagavan. Each action, from the simplicity of shared meals to the focused maintenance of the lush gardens, is infused with mindfulness, reflecting Maharshi’s emphasis on self-inquiry and the pursuit of inner peace.

Engaging in these practices, seekers find themselves part of a living tradition that transcends time—a testament to the ashram’s enduring sanctity.

Engaging With the Ashram Community

Joining the Ramana Maharshi Ashram community is a great way to meet people who are also interested in finding inner peace and understanding themselves better. When you get involved, you do more than just take part in activities; you become part of a supportive group. Everyone here is looking for answers and is ready to help each other with kindness.

As you change and grow on your spiritual path, you’ll notice others around you doing the same. This makes the ashram a special place where everyone helps each other to reach their spiritual goals. Here, even when it’s quiet, there’s a lot to learn from simply being around others. Being part of the ashram means you’re not just looking for peace with people who understand your journey, but you’re also seeing parts of yourself in them. This makes your own journey towards self-awareness even more valuable.


The Ramana Maharshi Ashram is a special place that keeps the memory of a great spiritual teacher alive. When people visit the ashram, they find a quiet place that helps them think deeply and meditate. Every day, there are set activities and times when everyone comes together, which helps visitors find a balance between a routine and time for self-reflection.

The ashram is not just about remembering Ramana Maharshi; it’s also a place where people looking for personal peace and understanding of themselves can find guidance.

In this peaceful place, for example, you might find visitors sitting quietly by the meditation hall, reflecting on their thoughts. Or, they might be taking part in group chants, which is a powerful way to feel connected to others and the teachings of Ramana Maharshi. The ashram serves as a bridge for people to explore their own minds and hearts.