Understanding Ramana Maharshi’s Philosophy

Understanding Ramana Maharshis Philosophy

In the early 1900s, Ramana Maharshi became known in Southern India as a wise person. He taught a simple but deep way to understand who we truly are and how to reach a state of deep understanding and peace called enlightenment. Instead of relying on complex religious texts, he focused on asking oneself the question ‘Who am I?’. This practice, known as self-inquiry, is about looking inside ourselves to see past our egos and the false idea that we are just our personal identities.

The beauty of Ramana Maharshi’s teaching is that it’s straightforward. By quietly thinking about who we are, many of his followers say they’ve discovered important truths. This approach is very relevant today as people look for genuine ways to find meaning and calm in their lives. Ramana Maharshi’s ideas still impact us and offer a meaningful path for those seeking a true connection with themselves.

The Essence of Self-Inquiry

Ramana Maharshi’s teachings focus on self-inquiry, which is a simple but deep way of thinking about who we really are. By constantly asking ourselves ‘Who am I?’, we can look past the false identities given to us by our ego and society. Maharshi believed that if we keep questioning where our sense of ‘I’ comes from, we’ll eventually see that it’s just an illusion. This understanding can lead us to recognize that our true self is actually part of a bigger, unchanging consciousness that connects us all.

This idea comes from Advaita Vedanta, which teaches that there is no separation between us and the ultimate reality, called Brahman. Maharshi said that if we consistently practice self-inquiry, we can break free from the endless cycle of being born over and over again. This freedom is known as moksha, which is a state of true understanding and happiness.

Ego and the Illusion of Self

When we deeply question who we are, we notice that our ego often tricks us into believing we’re someone we’re not. This false sense of self hides the real us. The thinker Ramana Maharshi believed that our ego, which can be called ‘ahamkara’ in the ancient language of Sanskrit, is like a mistake in how we see the world. We think we are separate from everything else, and this causes a lot of pain and confusion. The ego creates a false sense of ‘me’ that is different from ‘you,’ leading to a world of separation and conflict.

Maharshi taught that understanding and getting rid of this ego is crucial to discover our true selves. This true self is the part of us that’s connected to everything, like a vast ocean of awareness. When we let go of our ego, we find this deeper truth. Maharshi wanted us to reach this understanding because it’s like waking up from a dream—suddenly everything makes sense, and the pain that comes from feeling separate disappears.

Silence as Spiritual Practice

Ramana Maharshi’s endorsement of silence as a spiritual practice stems from the belief that it facilitates a deeper immersion into the true self, beyond the distractions of the ego. His teachings suggest that verbal communication often perpetuates the illusion of individual identity, thus obstructing the realization of the self’s oneness with the absolute.

Silence, in contrast, is not merely an absence of speech but an active presence, a potent medium through which profound inner experiences and insights can manifest. Through silence, the practitioner can transcend the superficial layers of being and encounter the silence within, which is equated with the self or Brahman.

This profound stillness is posited as the substratum of reality, wherein true knowledge and peace are found, unmediated by the constructs of language or thought.

The Path to Self-Realization

Ramana Maharshi believed that finding out who we really are is a journey that takes place inside ourselves. This journey is about getting rid of our individual ego to directly experience our true self, which is a part of a greater whole that doesn’t have any divisions. He said that asking ourselves the question ‘Who am I?’ is the best way to start this journey. This isn’t just thinking about the question; it’s a way to dig deep and remove all the wrong ideas we have about being our bodies or our thoughts. It’s by constantly looking within that we can understand our true nature, which is connected to everything.

Maharshi’s ideas come from a tradition called Advaita Vedanta, but he puts more importance on what we learn from our own experiences than what we read in holy texts. He tells us that self-awareness is something we always have, and we can realize it by constantly questioning our deepest self and letting go of our temporary ego. This means that instead of being caught up in who we think we are, we should focus on the deeper, unchanging part of ourselves.

In simple terms, Maharshi encourages us to be mindful and to question the very core of our identity. By doing so, we can reach a state of understanding and connection that goes beyond our everyday selves. This is not just an idea but a practical approach to living a more fulfilled life.

For example, someone might practice this by taking time each day to meditate and reflect on their thoughts and actions, constantly reminding themselves to focus on the present and the reality of their experiences. This practice can lead to a sense of peace and a deeper connection with the world around us.

Maharshi’s Legacy and Influence

Ramana Maharshi’s teachings have had a lasting effect on people all over the world who are looking for deeper spiritual understanding and philosophical insights. His ideas go beyond his Ashram in Tiruvannamalai and have been influential for many years. Many spiritual teachers today draw inspiration from his work, and his approach to self-discovery has become part of modern mindfulness and therapy practices. Maharshi encouraged people to look inside themselves to understand their true nature, rather than focusing solely on external religious practices.

Researchers in academia have taken a close look at how Maharshi’s ideas bring together traditional Eastern spirituality and modern Western philosophy. His focus on self-inquiry helps those who are trying to find personal enlightenment while also engaging in philosophical discussions.

For example, in the field of psychology, techniques like introspective therapy can trace their roots back to Maharshi’s emphasis on self-exploration. In a therapeutic setting, this might involve guiding clients to reflect on their thoughts and feelings to better understand their inner selves.


Ramana Maharshi was a great thinker whose ideas are still important today. He taught about the importance of understanding who we really are and questioning our deepest thoughts and feelings. Maharshi believed that by doing this, we could get past our superficial identities and find peace in silence. His way of thinking has helped many people on their own spiritual journeys.

He argued that everyone has the ability to find their true selves. He encouraged people to look inside themselves for answers rather than seeking them in the outside world. This approach to spirituality has made a lasting impact.

For example, someone struggling with stress might use Maharshi’s method of asking, ‘Who am I?’ to get to the root of their anxieties. By focusing inward and being silent, they might find relief and clarity.

In summary, Maharshi’s philosophy is about the inner search for truth and the belief that everyone can achieve spiritual clarity. His teachings continue to guide those looking for deeper meaning in life.